Christmas Photos Of Willow and I

So, who knew that my last session of the year would be my own. I have always wanted to do photos with my horse and since I took her holiday photos a few days ago. I decided to go for it on Christmas! Like all my photos it was a last minute and the most spontaneous shoot I’ve done. The kids were happily playing with their new toys so I called up my girlfriend and she met me at the Ranch (kids were with their dad). So instead of me using my tripod I gave my friend a quick lesson with my camera. She very quickly saw that taking photos isn’t as easy as it looks and couldn’t believe how heavy my camera was. Out of the 100 photos she took these were the ones I kept. Over shooting is never underrated! I know she’s not a photographer and as I was looking through them I realized how much I do as a photographer. Like placement, the attention to details, the lighting, ect... She was great at making me feel comfortable which is also very important… love her! I am already planning my next session with Willow in my head… yes planning it lol.

This became a present to me in more then one way and I am very grateful for my friend Natalie. Thank you!!! Here are the photos (click on them to make them bigger) and some of the “before and afters”.

What do you think? If you have a horse I would love to work with you!!!!

Click on the photos to make them larger.

W&WP B&A 01.jpg
W&WP B&A 07.jpg